

The Mandala Black Germany yoga mat is made of modern high quality material, soft, but at the same time strong enough to withstand strong mechanical stress. Our mat without additional devices is rigidly fixed on the smoothest surface, non-slip and pleasant to the touch.

Our mat is a necessary attribute when performing asanas and other practices, when we go in for sports or practice any asanas, it is also very important to have a feeling of comfort and convenience – this applies to both clothes and a yoga mat and that’s where Mandala Black Yoga Mat comes to help. Our mat will protect you from the cold surface on which you are exercising, especially during the cold months of the year and during recumbent / sitting asanas and pranayamas, when you need to spend some time still or with your body pressed against the surface. Comfort during exercise also depends on the comfort and properties of the surface, in our case, the Mandala yoga mat, which absorbs our body during practice.

What is especially important for beginners in poses in which the maximum emphasis is on the knees, elbows, palms and feet, thereby our yoga mat reduces possible painful manifestations in practice.

Another big advantage is that you do not need to worry about the cleanliness of the surface for practice, so the yoga mat can protect you from germs and dust.

During yoga practices, you will perform more and more complex asanas and their subtypes, which require more strength, stretching and, which is very important, balance, each time. Your safety in stances and asanas depends on your balance, and your balance depends on how tightly you grip the mat and how well the mat adheres to the surface on which it lies. Therefore, if the mat does not fidget on the surface and lies tightly on it, and also does not slip under the hands or feet (even sweaty), then the balance is stable, and the probability of falling is minimal. That is one of the most important advantages of Mandala Black yoga Mat – It has an open cell structure like a sponge. The anti-slip effect is enhanced by its high absorbency and further removal of moisture and odors.

The deep black colour combined with white Mandala flower will arouse the interest of any person with good taste and knowledge of style. It can also suit both men and women, beginners and professionals, children or adults.

If you care about your health, get a personal yoga mat, and the Ramayoga store will help you choose one that suits your needs and goals.


Material: High quality PVC
Dimensions: 183x60x0.45 cm , 1.4kg

Additional information



Length, cm

Wide, cm

Thick, mm

Weight, kg


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